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lol. the slap looked real 2 me t.o. raps! it must have killed. lol.
and madiha718, saas bhi ek ma hai is only 7 episodes in, so if u hurry u could still catch on! the girl who got slapped - we're led to beleive she is dead, now! but u can still see the slap on the commercials.
u should watch this drama tho. its abt a girl (veena malik) who marries into a disfunctional family on purpose (plus her husband is sharif...its only his family which is stuck up!) and tries to 'fix' them! only problem is...her plan backfires...atleast so far! so she's getting the screwjob! cool drama!
as 4 ali tabish, u could head over 2 this site and click on his name/pic, which is one of three links under the heading: interviews! hope that helps....
Age: 125
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ghussa...aur vo bhi mere ustaadjee pe?!?!?!!!! NO, NO tracker sahib, i'm not angry! i was just replying to your post! i can never get angry, especially at a fellow lahore guy! lol. u, me, hell even humaira arshad....we're all from lahore! we're all one big happy family! LOL. no anger here!
Age: 125
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lol 2 all of u!
i guess the anti-saima talk will continue on your part, and the saima-defending will continue on my part! let the games resume...! i'm cool with it.....
ayeshakhan_fanatic jee, aapne khush kardeeya by asking what movie saima's got next! lol. larki punjaban ke baad, saima 3 filmon pe kaam kar rahi hai, jin ka mujhe pata hai: 'commando' (co-stars shaan, moammar, meera and zara), 'fauja amratsaria' (co-stars shaan, sana, resham, baber ali, and saud) and 'quaidi 786.' of these three, commando is much-talked abt because of its huge cast! your thoughts?!
Age: 125
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lol. nai nai, aisee koi baat nahin! lekin, its like u said yaar....topic uska hai (saima ka), to uskee hee baatein honi chaiya, no?! mein to apna farz nibha raha houn, as her fan, by defending her! [;)] bas...aur kuch nahin!
Age: 125
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SHAHRUKH jee, you're half right. moammar can't act when it comes to punjabi action movies. lol. but he's okay 4 those romantic roles. him and saima were a dynaimc duo at one point. (chooriyan, mendhi wale hath, nikki jaee haan etc.). he was okay in these...
and shujaslam, you're right....ali tabish (thats his name) could be a decent hero. not shamyl khan (larki punjaban)!
Age: 125
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i smell what you're cookin'....its all good!
as long as u don't think humaira arshad is ugly...cause she aint. if u thought so or any1 else thought so, i'd think you're crazy! but its all good!!! lol.
Age: 125
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good point ayeshakhan_fanatic! u've got me all motivated now. lol. i'll defend saima till the end!!
....unless she does something stupid or meera-esque! lol. (j/k).
and ffm saima is a talented actress. she'll keep making movies and people will continue to love/hate her but one thing will remain the same....she will continue to be discussed, i can promise you that! vaisay......aap ne koi movie dekee hai, jis may saima ho?!!!
Age: 125
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yeah, moammar's aiight. and the new guy in LP (shamyl khan)...LOL @ his eyebrows! i dont think he'll get over as a legit hero. but lets see....
as 4 shaan, yeah he's been in the industry 4 a while, but he donesn't look old. if i had 2 guess i would say he's not a day over 35 - and even thats a stretch!
Age: 125
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the last message from me, was directed 2wards khan-saab, teentracker.
this one goes out 2 t.o_raptors....good point....!
and shujaslam....u 2. good point. singers should stick 2 singing. but on the flip side, actors/actresses should stick 2 acting! that means zara should not try and come out with an album, which she is! lol. (j/k) btw...any news on it? u seem 2 be a big fan.
and you're right abt humaira arshad not having that heroine look. that don't mean she's ugly tho! i hope thats not what u meant! lol. [;)]
Age: 125
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Canada, Canada that would bring u 2 theatres 4 a pakistani movie eh?! a movie starring reema/baber?! i can dig...
i'm down with reema. for me, after saima, reema's got the best pure talent. but for guys, you picked baber ali?!! you're right, he did a great job in landa bazaar, and since you've only seen him in that drama (i'm assuming), i guess you're justified in selecting him! otherwize, shaan blows the rest outta the water! have u seen a movie with him yet?!
personally, i need saima and/or shaan/moammar in a movie to gain my interest. hence why i'm looking 4ward 2 LP (saima)! plus its being tagged as one of 2-3 movies which the entire industry is depending on. that intrigues me as well.
and you're right abt the actors, especially saud. LOL. but shaan's not old. common yaar! saima i can understand, but shaan's not old! and what do u think abt this new guy in LP?! lol. he's got all-star written all over him, no?! (severe sarcasm).
Age: 125
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lol. jinaab, she is a singer, obvisouly her acting is bad. she was probably asked to work in a drama just for the hell of it, and she agreed to it, in order to gain exposure. it was something she did not like, and she is not doing dramas anymore, and definately not lollywood movies. that goes to show she is sharif! despite this however, lollywood people continue to ask her to work in movies. obvisouly she is seen as a marketable person! u can't deny that, and even if u do, it doesnt matter! people continue to pusue her!
Age: 125
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umair16 its been a while! wats up?!
speaking of lollywood fiesta, (i hope this falls under this umbrella)whats the story with all those concerts that were scheduled for london?! how did the abrar one go?!
Age: 125
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so u didn't get to watch all of chooriyan?! yaar, if u had watched, you'd know why i'm such a big fan of saima! great movie! maybe next time.
but you're right, LP should do good, and i hope most of us go watch it if it comes to theatres in our respective cities. as bad as lollywood is, u gotta admit, some people are trying, and the entire team of LP, Laaj, Salakhein and so on, seems like they have tried real hard and came up with family movies. the least we could do is back them up and watch them! don't u agree?!
Age: 125
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lol. u dislike saima that much eh?! oh man. i'm glad i ain't her! lol. i'm sure when the movie comes and and u hear the great reviews you'll reconsider! atleast i hope u do, if not for saima then for lollywood in general!
what would it take out of a lollywood movie, to make you 'race to your closest theatre'!? just curious, for discussion's sake. if not saima, who from lollywood could possibly draw u to a cinema?! lol. (j/k).
Age: 125
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waisay teen sahib aap to meree choices ke peechay hi pargay hain!!!! lol. first saima, then veena malik, and now even humaira!!!! toba. menay bhi zara yan sara ke baray mein kuch buraa kaha hai?!!?!!!
anyhow...humaira worked in a drama a long time ago. but she left and is now concentrating on music only. aur tracker sahib, every lollywood producer/director has asked her to join lollywood FYI. so obvisouly she's looked at as a solution to their problems, not a reason for them! but she is shareef. she has refused. bad for us cause we can't see her as much, but good cause she'll continue to make great music.
btw...i hope i don't have to defend humaira arshad like i had to defend saima, khan sahib!!!!! cause if i do, i'll come out guns ablazin'!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. (j/k).
Age: 125
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sahee kaha ayeshakhan_fanatic! lekin mein to heraan houn, ke aapne EK SAIMA FILM bhi nahee dekhee???!!!! not even chooriyan?!?!! that explains so much. lol. i hope she delivers in larki punjaban, so u see what i'm talking about! as a matter of fact, i'm sure she will.
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i guess you're right madiha718. but lemme rephrase what i said! by simply complimenting saima, you no doubt, made my day! had you been sincere though, you probably would have made my year! lol. anyhow, i can't force you, so like i said, i'll take what i got! thanks! is indeed in the eye of the beholder, but i want to emphasize, i don't like saima exlusively for how she looks and specifically how she looked at the premier of her movie. lol. i'm an even bigger fan of her acting, and it is here where she wins my loyalty and respect! i just wanna make it clear to you and everyone else, that saima's not my 'ideal.' lol. i like her for her talent! again, it boggles my mind as 2 why the lady can't be given her due credit by everyone else for the same reason! u don't have to like someone to respect them! but ah goes on! she's not losing any sleep over it and neither will i! and besides, you complimented her anyways (even if u didn't mean it!), so its all good!
and as 4 lollywood movies, sorry u can't get a hold of them easily. u're 100% right tho. the ones shown on PRIME are no good. if larki punjaban comes to your area, i'm sure u'll race 2 theatres tho right?!!! lol.